
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Swatch: Glitterfied Nails Diamond Ring

So I recently bought a few minis from Glitterfied Nails and decided to swatch them for you here! This is the first of the polishes, Diamond Ring. It's a gorgeous combo of iridescent glitters that shine all sorts of colors in a clear base. Below is one coat of Diamond Ring over Zoya's Natty.

Formula wise, this was super easy to work with and required no dabbing. The base is rather thin and manageable (especially for a glitter polish!). You can really see the shift of colors in the 2nd picture; there's green, blue, orange, and gold from what I can mostly see. I plan on wearing this over pink for a delicate, girly look... but I can't wait to wear it over some black too!


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